Saturday, February 14, 2009

I Got Nothing!

I have been trying to think of something to post on my blog for days. Now, it's the bottom of the ninth, and I still have nothing! Last week I received a bye from the 'Writing Gods' since the last day landed on my dad's birthday. I couldn't help but write that one; I mean the computer literally posted the date in my face. The week before that I had a case of delirium. I'm a little too old to be running around talking about playing Superwoman, so I HAD to be delirious! Today, I'm just stuck.

So, let's see if I can at least make this a little interesting by telling you all what I wish that I had done this week. Let's go with the top 5 activities that I didn't get done this week.

5. I still haven't started reading my new book I just HAD TO HAVE! It's Angels & Demons by Dan Brown. I was in such a hurry to buy it a couple weeks ago. Now, I'm looking at it here on my dresser and still in the bag.

4. I was supposed to catch up my laundry yesterday. Well, that didn't happen. I guess I can give myself a little credit; I at least did one load. Now if I could only find the time to finish the rest.

3. I still have yet to watch the last two dvd's I have bought. This is one item that really had to be taken care of. I'm famous for buying movies and never watching them. As a matter of fact, I still have to watch my copy of Ray and Dreamgirls. I rushed out the first day Ray was released to buy it. My son finally broke the plastic on it about six months ago. I have no idea why I do things like that.

2. I said every day last week that this week I would go to Bed, Bath, & Beyond for some Warm Vanilla Sugar body products. OK, now I guess I'll have to take my journey there next week.

1. So, what's the number one thing that I didn't get done this week? Well, I were Brain and I had a partner named Pinkie, I think the conversation would go like this:
Pinkie: What are we going to do today Brain?
Brain: Same thing we do everyday, Pinkie. Try to get some sleep!!

OK this post may sound totally ridiculous; however, you were warned--told you I had nothing!!

Be Blessed!



  1. Oh, I think you told us plenty! Lists are a great blog "thing" when you can't think of anything else.

    My five favorite songs...
    or favorite movies...
    or favoirte foods...

    Just make a list!

    K. Smith
    Eng. 226

  2. I found your nothing to post to be quite amusing. It sounds like my weeks. I make lists and never finish them for one reason or another. Keep writing nothing posts, you will find they really are good!

  3. I totally agree with you, right about now the only thing I have time for is sleep. I bought some tickets to go to the movies, but as of this is what I am doing after my nap lol. I love movies and books, myself, but unlike you I have bought any because I know that they would go unwatched and unread lol. Well, I hope you get some good ZZZZ's
