Sunday, March 8, 2009

Not Again!!

I know the rule for our blog says that we shouldn't write about what we did today; however, just this one time, I have to bend the rule a little. I'm sitting here at o'dark-thirty still studying because my day has been totally bonkers! Man, I wish I only meant that I was somehow talking about those candies that I used to love when I was a kid! Does anyone remember the Bonkers candy?

Anyway, besides my usual Supermom routine, I added a few new hats to my repertoire today. I was an impromptu volunteer firefighter of sorts, on-the-spot graphics guru, a computer tech-not, a troop wrangler, and-of course-a Wal-Mart flunkie. That last task probably applies to 99.999% of the shopping world from the looks of their stock performance; however, I feel that I am especially drawn to them, since I found it necessary to make two trips there for things that I couldn't remember once I made it to the store.

Now, in the middle of the night, I'm studying the things I should have earlier today had I been more organized in the first place. I truly don't know what got into me. Whatever it was, I sure hope it's gone! Not only do I have the things I didn't get finished today there waiting tomorrow; I also have the distinct displeasure of the "spring forward" time crunch to deal with. Ugh!!

When we were kids, my brother would always say to his twin and I, "Sucks to be you!", whenever we found ourselves in a disagreeable situation. I tell you, the yearly time change seemingly always falling on a too busy weekend just SUCKS!!

Hope your weekend goes better than mine!

Be blessed,



  1. I don't mind if you write about what you did today as long as it's entertaining!

    K. Smith
    Eng. 226

  2. I understand how you feel about the time change. It's been a whole week almost and I cannot get used to the "Spring forward" idea. I think it's easier to go back then it is move forward. Maybe I've changed, but it seems that it used to be great for me and now it just "sucks." Have a great Spring Break!
